Financial planning: hostels

The majority of tourism businesses in Ireland are currently closed, with the chance to potentially reopen as restrictions ease. The stage at which you will open will depend on the pace at which restrictions are lifted; business demand; domestic and international economies; and cash flow projections for your business.

Fáilte Ireland, along with industry experts, has prepared a number of guides to provide you with the right tools as you make the best decisions for your business. With expert advice and insights, we hope to help tourism businesses to get on the road towards reopening and financial recovery.

Each of the guides, checklists and financial templates will help you take your business from its current ‘closed’ position back to active trading. They will advise you on what you need to review; how you manage your costs; what levels of working capital you’ll need; forecasting your cash flow; and seeking financial support from banks or other institutions.

Reviewing each of these items will help you make informed business decisions, which should ultimately enable you to sustain your business in the long term.

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