Operational guidelines

Working closely with key industry groups, Fáilte Ireland has created a series of detailed guidelines designed to prepare Irish tourism businesses to re-open safely. Carefully tailored to specific tourism and hospitality sectors, the operational guidelines aim to support business owners and management every step of the way as they work to stabilise and recover. 

Inside each set of guidelines is comprehensive advice on re-opening and rebooting productivity, with an emphasis on protecting the safety and well-being of employers, employees and customers and helping to instil public confidence.

The guidelines will be regularly updated in line with Government public health advice and protocols, as and when this advice evolves. This includes any further guidance that is issued following work by the Health Protection Surveillance Centre & National Public Health Emergency Team on the application of the existing social distancing requirements in specific, defined and controlled environments in the hospitality industry, during periods of low incidence of the disease.

Download the guidelines for re-opening for your sector