Fáilte Ireland eLearning Hub

Keeping employees engaged and upskilled through eLearning

To support businesses and their workforces, Fáilte Ireland offers online self-directed eLearning training programmes designed to upskill and designed to motivate teams as part of Fáilte Ireland’s response to COVID-19.

These short modular style programmes (each averaging 40 mins with an online assessment) can help businesses maintain staff engagement while they work remotely or operate reduced working hours.

The Fáilte Ireland Learning Hub offers 15 short module programmes which are available to employees of all levels, from frontline to management across three specific learning categories:

• Road To Recovery
• Management
• Operations

Fáilte Ireland Refreshed Accredited Service Excellence Programme (ASE)

The hub also hosts Fáilte Ireland’s eLearning Accredited Service Excellence (ASE) programmes updated to reflect the current COVID-19 environment including sector-specific programmes (Activities, Attractions and Transport).

The updated 1.5 hour interactive programmes aim to empower staff with valuable insights, tips and guidelines on giving customers a highly positive and memorable experience. The programmes will also help show businesses how to create opportunities to drive revenue.

Free resources to support your business to reboot and recover 

Now is the right time to review your revenue management and sales and marketing strategies; that way your business will be prepared for the new marketplace that will face us post COVID-19. Time invested in upskilling, website optimisation and rethinking your key segments – in terms of who best to target post-COVID-19 – will help your business to successfully relaunch when the time comes.  

There is a wealth of free, comprehensive supports available to businesses. We’ve created a list of those designed to help tourism businesses build their expertise in areas such as Digital Marketing, Management and Finance and more. The sections noted below will be updated regularly as we continue to add to new courses and resources scheduled for the coming months.